Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

TIPS: Installing Leaked OS When 'Only Active BlackBerry Subscribers' Error Message is Received

BB 101

Having trouble upgrading the new OS leak that you just downloaded for your device? Many users are beginning to see the error that states "Only active BlackBerry subscribers are entitled to install this upgrade". If you are killing yourself trying to install the OS and can't seem to be able to get past this stage, well we have a fix for you. Check out this quick walkthrough and you'll be up and running in no time.

1. Download BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife (BBSAK) and install onto your PC

2. Create a full backup of the device on your computer through Desktop Manager. This will be needed if you wish to restore your information after the OS upgrade. Skip this step if the device is brand new or a warranty replacement.

3. Under the Backup/Restore Tab click "Wipe Device" which will prompt you to do a low-level wipe of the device and remove the current Operating System. The device will boot to a white screen, and give an error message.

Wipe Device

4. Run the .exe file of the Operating System which was downloaded to the PC. Remove the vendor.xml files, and if the OS contains RIM Internal Tools, be sure to remove this as well through Add/Remove Applications on your PC.

5. Click on the "Load OS" tab under the Backup/Restore Tab, which will bring up the AppLoader screen. Follow prompts on the screen and be sure you are installing the correct Operating System.


6. Once OS has loaded, you can now go to Desktop Manager and restore your backup, or you can use device switch wizard if it is a new device.

This workaround is not guaranteed to work on all devices and OS leaks, but at the current time it appears to be helping several users, with a variety of devices.

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